Advantages and Disadvantages of Titanium Jewelry
Titanium, known as the hardest and strongest metal was discovered accidently in the year 1791, by clergyman named William Gregor. At that time, the potential of the metal was not recognized and four years passed without anybody knowing about the amazing traits of this powerful and useful metal. Martin Heinrich, an Austrian chemist passed this metal as a new chemical element in 1975, and it was added in the chemistry periodic table. He named it titanium, derived from the Greek God's name, The Titans.At that time, due to the absence of high technology, the potential of the metal was not explored and it remained like that for almost 202 long years. The metal was first used for building air craft machines, space craft and naval ships. Due to the strength of the metal, it was also used for manufacturing human replacement parts and surgical implants. It was quite late in the 1990s that jewelry industry recognized the potential of the metal and made ornaments using it.
Today, you will find many online and traditional jewelry stores which sell designer titanium jewelry. There are wedding bands and bracelets made of this metal. The strength and robust qualities of the metal have been used in the best way to build innovation and creative jewelry. There are many advantages and disadvantages of wearing titanium rings and other ornament pieces. Some of them are mentioned below
Though the metal is stronger than any other material available on earth, (it is thrice as strong as steel), but is very light in weight. It is actually lighter than aluminum. Hence, it becomes really easy and comfortable to wear this jewelry items.
The metal is 100% hypoallergenic in nature. This means that it will not cause any type of irritation or rashes in the skin. You can wear titanium jewelry at all times.
This element metal is also extremely durable and is great for the sports person. This jewelry piece is known not to break or get damaged. Furthermore, it is known to relieve pain in many cases. Hence, it is preferred among other metals.
The advantageous trait of being the strongest metal on earth can also become a disadvantage. This is mainly because the bands cannot be resized later. Hence, you must be really careful to ensure that you give out your right size to the retailer. Once made, the titanium bands cannot be resized.