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industrial titanium tube
Titanium has a great
thermodynamical affinity towards interstitial elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Nitrogen and Carbon. For heat treatment protective atmospheres like high vacuum
or inert gases are suitable. The annealing temperatures range from 600 °C to 800
°C. The duration depends on the equipment, the type of process and the
experience with the material. Organic residues such as lubricants should be
completely removed prior to annealing. If they react with Titanium Hydrogen may
be formed embrittling the material.
Under most conditions
Titanium and its alloys are covered by a thin but even oxide layer. If
destroyed the material exhibits fretting corrosion.
Vascotube® processing
sequence includes high quality tooling, lubricants and heat treatment
In addition to these uses, titanium is the development of the nuclear industry indispensable material, a lot of equipment, piping and associated components used in nuclear reactors, in addition to the use of zirconium, hafnium, but also requires a lot of titanium and titanium-based alloys. With the further development of the nuclear industry, the value of titanium is bound to get more expression.
Titanium golf equipment manufacturing sector in the global consumption of large quantities of the annual quantity of titanium golf equipment for the manufacture of titanium up to more than 6000 tons. In addition, tennis rackets, badminton rackets, ski poles, snow shovel, ice climbing stick, hiking nails, sled, fencing protective masks, fishing rods, bicycles, frames, watches, handicrafts and other household items are widely used titanium.China National Grand Theater curved roof of concern in all titanium plate, titanium construction with a typical case, this dome spent about 100 tons of titanium. According to the information, titanium in the roof, window frames, eaves, gables, rain barrier walls, fences, exterior siding, interior trim, as well as monuments, epitaph, designer, car house, makeup column and air conditioner and other aspects of the application.