Stainless steels are commonly divided into five groups, depending on the specific amounts of alloying elements, which control the microstructure of the alloy, Austenitic, Martensitic, Duplex, Ferritic and Precipitation Hardening.
Austenitic Steel: This steel is called austenitic because it is made from austenitizing elements. Austenitization changes the crystal structure of iron or iron-based material, such as steel, from ferric to austenitic. These steels are essentially nonmagnetic in the annealed condition and can be hardened only by cold working. Molybdenum, copper, silicon, aluminum, titanium, and niobium may be added to confer certain characteristics, such as halide pitting resistance or oxidation resistance. Sulfur or selenium may be added to certain grades to improve machinability. It can be further into three groups: common chromium-nickel (300 series), manganese-chromium-nickel-nitrogen (200 series) and Specialty Alloys. This steel has high ductility and relatively high tensile strength. This is the most popular type of steel, with over 70% of the total stainless steel produced being austenitic and is used for numerous industrial and consumer applications
Petrochemical Plants
Power Plants
Food processing & Dairy Equipments
Industrial Piping
Martensitic Steel: This steel is called martensitic as it contains essentially alloys of chromium and carbon that possess a distorted body-centered tetragonal crystal structure (martensitic) in the hardened condition. Chromium content is generally in the range of 10.5 to 18%, and carbon content may exceed 1.2%. The chromium and carbon contents are balanced to ensure a martensitic structure after hardening. Elements such as niobium, silicon, tungsten, and vanadium may be added to modify the tempering response after hardening. The high carbon content (other stainless steels only have about 0.1%, or even less, of carbon) makes this steel extremely strong but slightly brittle. Martensitic steel is magnetic. It is used in:
Dental and surgical instruments
Cutlery & Knives
Gas Turbine Blades
Ball bearings & Nut Bolts
Ferritic Steel: Ferritic stainless steel has properties similar to mild steel but with the better corrosion resistance. Approximately 10-27% chromium is present along with iron. Ferritic steel rarely contains nickel, but lead or titanium may be present. Because of the low chromium and nickel content, resistance to rust is reduced. As a result,costs less than other stainless steels. Used in:
Washing Machines
Exhaust Systems
Floppy disk hubs
Duplex Steel: This type of steel is used in chloride and sulfide environment and is the least corrosive. The structure is 50 % ferritic and 50 % austenitic and this gives a layered structure with high strength. Primary constituents are chromium and molybdenum. Nickel may be present in a small quantity or may be absent. Its applications are found in:
Oil & Gas industries
Pulp & Paper Industry
Chemical processing
Tank Applications
Precipitation Hardening Steel: It is made from heat-treated martensitic or austenitic stainless steel and is stronger than either. It also has a higher resistance to rust. Chromium and nickel are the primary components of this type of steel. Because of its strength, this type of steel is used in:
Turbine blades
Aviation engine components
Nuclear waste container
The basic requirement from stainless steel is corrosion-resistance. The factors affecting this property are the chemical composition of the corrosive medium, percentage of the components used, temperature variations, oxygen and moisture content and aeration of the medium. Thus, slight variations in chemical compositions can be used to make a variety of stainless steel, which, in addition to being an excellent engineering material, is 100% recyclable and can therefore said to be environment-friendly.
Heat exchanger and Condenser; U Type coil pipe ;
Petroleum pipeline ; Sea farming;
Evaporator; Fluid Transportation Piping etc.
10. Package Details
First packaging with moisture-proof paper;
Second packaging with kraft paper;
Third packaging with foam plastics in all side of plywood case;
Finally packing products in plywood case.
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