Properties and Uses of Titanium
Titanium is considered as an important element in chemical and other industries. Chemically it is symbolized as Ti with atomic number 22. It was first discovered in 1791 in Cornwall in Great Britain by William Gregor. The element is found in most of the living things, rocks, water bodies and soil. Instead the fact that commercial production of the element has been started in last few years with the expensive and complex process, its outstanding and excellent properties makes it more demandable element in various industries including marine, medicine, aviation and in many other alternative that may not have been possible earlier. The two main properties of titanium is its strength with low weight to other metals and corrosion resistance. Titanium is alloyed with several other elements such as aluminum, iron, molybdenum, vanadium and many other metals that produce light weight and strong alloy for aerospace industry, industrial process, military, agriculture, dental instruments, dental implants, automotive, sporting goods and mobile phones. Most of the titanium properties whether it is chemical or physical is similar to the zirconium.
Physical Properties
Titanium is physically quite ductile, lustrous, malleable and easily worked with other metals. It has low density, electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity. In its pure form it has silvery white metallic luster. It has similar strength as of steel and twice as of aluminum but just half in weight. It is fairly hard, poor conductor of heat and electricity and non magnetic element. The alloy of this element has lower specific stiffness in comparison to other structural material like carbon fiber and aluminum alloys. Metal is non toxic and physiologically inert and hence has no effect on
Titanium does not quickly corrode in water and are oxidized immediately when they are exposed to air. When it reacts with oxygen at 1200 C it forms titanium oxide, however it reacts slowly with air and water and forms a protective oxide coating that helps it to react with other metals. It is one of the materials that easily burn in pure nitrogen gas and forms titanium nitride. It is resistant against aqua regia and to nitric acid at 20 C temperatures. Titanium filaments are applied in sublimation pumps (devices to create extremely low pressure in ultra vacuum systems) because in its clean and purest form it is highly reactive and strongly binds with oxygen. As per some experiments titanium becomes radioactive after the attack with deuterons.
Alloys of titanium are a preferred choice for various industries mainly because of its low creep resistance and highest strength. As of now almost industries uses this excellent element to produce their end products even you can find it in jewelry as well.
