Applications of Titanium Alloys
When it comes to the usage of alloy metal, titanium is one of the most demandable and common elements used in the industry worldwide. It can be highly strengthened by the alloying process with other metals like steel, manganese, aluminium and vanadium etc. Its excellent properties such as low weight, outstanding corrosion resistant and strong strength in comparison to other metals makes it suitable for various successful applications which include medical, agriculture, aerospace, paper/pulp industry, chemical plant, oil and gas extraction, automobiles, sports and power generation etc.The strong and light metal, supra alloy of the titanium has become a part of everyday's life that keeps plane in the airs, for medical implants, and as infused with many products around the modern home and buildings. Titanium and its alloy have good heat transfer property and melting points have higher than steel and aluminium. As it is a non toxic element and is generally biological compatible with human tissues, it is widely used for medical implants and implement. One of the critical applications is implementing implants in the human body which cannot readily replace and maintained and for this, titanium alloys are suitable elements to use.
The industrial use of this element is increasing very rapidly as engineers found that it can reduce the total cost of project life cycle. The titanium is exceptionally light weight metal compound with higher strength among other metals and that's why it can do work in just half as much as other metals do in terms of strength and weight. In addition when it is converted to alloy, oxide layer is formed which is excellent corrosion inhibitor in itself as this layer automatically remove when scratching, so for the products like fasteners and screws, this element is ideal to use in industries.
Titanium has its way in sports industry too today several modern golf available in the market are made up of titanium alloy that prevents it from corrosion and as good resistance to stains and nicks it is also used for making cookware. In the power generation plant where polluted water is used to form electricity, titanium will improve the life of the condensers and due to its highly resistance corrosion feature, it reduces the use of corrosion allowance.
Since the beginning of the jet engines and air planes, titanium has been used to meet the crucial and high standard for the strength, metallurgical structure and high temperature performance in the air. For engine rotating applications, it is used with latest and advanced technology to build fan blades that reduces noise and increase efficiency. Nowadays, titaniu7m is also found in the wide range of jewelry, watches, bicycles, clocks and eyeglasses and other consumer products.